Rev. Jerry Hamstra March 10, 2019 Sermons The Seventh Commandment (2) Singleness Rev. Jerry Hamstra March 10, 2019 Sermons Read: Exodus 20:14Isaiah 62:1-51 Corinthians 7:1-8 “The only way that the things of earth can truly satisfy us is if they point us to God and satisfaction in him. And one of the points of all the pleasures and satisfactions in life is that they are not enough. We cannot be complete without God. Our hearts cannot right rest apart from God. And so marriage and sex make the point that they are not enough. They can never be what God must be in our lives.” — Rev. Jerry Hamstra Download ManuscriptSermon Series: The Ten Commandments
Rev. Jerry Hamstra March 10, 2019 Sermons Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs (7) Expressive Individualism Rev. Jerry Hamstra March 10, 2019 Sermons Read: Genesis 2:15-17Matthew 16:24-28 “Our happiness and greatest wellbeing come from living for God rather than living for ourselves. We were not designed to find our deepest happiness by focusing on ourselves. We are designed to find our deepest happiness in God. The Bible is actually very concerned with man’s happiness, but as a result of living for God rather than living for ourselves. The picture that the Bible paints of a life in the service of God is a wonderful picture of fulfillment and wellbeing and profound happiness. The Bible makes it clear that the deepest joy that we can know is joy in the Lord and in his service. Psalm 32:11 says “Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!” ” — Rev. Jerry Hamstra Download ManuscriptSermon Series: Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs
Rev. Jerry Hamstra March 3, 2019 Sermons The Seventh Commandment (1) The Protection of Marriage Rev. Jerry Hamstra March 3, 2019 Sermons Read: Exodus 20:14Genesis 2:18-25Hebrews 13:4 “The mysterious intimacy of marriage is used by God to describe our relationship with God which is also described in the New Testament as the relationship between Christ and the church. One of the great purposes of marriage is to point to and help us to understand and to long for the intimacy between God and man and between Christ and his church that is the ultimate fulfillment of human life.” — Rev. Jerry Hamstra Download ManuscriptSermon Series: The Ten Commandments
Rev. Jerry Hamstra March 3, 2019 Sermons Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs (6) Postmodernism Rev. Jerry Hamstra March 3, 2019 Sermons Read: Ephesians 6:10-20Hebrews 1:1-4 “The problem as the Bible expresses it is not that man is unable to find the truth apart from revelation from God, but rather that mankind is not looking for the truth in the first place. The biblical approach to the whole subject of mankind and the truth is that we know the truth about God and the world but by nature we suppress what we know to be true. The problem is not that we cannot find the truth. The problem is that the truth is all around us and we hide from it because the truth is that God is our Creator and our King, and we refuse to submit to him.” — Rev. Jerry Hamstra Download ManuscriptSermon Series: Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs
Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 24, 2019 Sermons The Sixth Commandment (4) Preserving and Nurturing Human Life Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 24, 2019 Sermons Read: Exodus 20:13John 10:10-11Luke 10:25-37 “This is really a wonderful subject to think about because it is rooted in the fact that God is very prolife. He has life in himself and he has given life to us and he has made us in his image so that we have the capacity to experience life at a very deep level. We are spiritual beings and we are psychological beings and we are physical beings and the life that we are given to live is experienced at all of these levels.” — Rev. Jerry Hamstra Download ManuscriptSermon Series: The Ten Commandments
Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 24, 2019 Sermons How Much Should We Give? Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 24, 2019 Sermons Read: Genesis 28:18-22Matthew 23:23-242 Corinthians 8:1-152 Corinthians 9:6-15 “So, if we take everything together, we find that 10 percent is a number to give us an idea of what is appropriate and how well off we are financially will influence whether we give more than that or less than that. But the pressure that comes to us from the Bible is towards stretching ourselves and making sacrifices. Certain people are held out before us as examples to inspire us. And if we consider our giving in the light of the general teaching of the Bible on the Christian life, this is an area where we should consider as an area for growth just as we must always be striving to grow in living not for ourselves but for Christ.” — Rev. Jerry Hamstra Download Manuscript
Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 17, 2019 Sermons The Sixth Commandment (3) Jesus and the Sixth Commandment Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 17, 2019 Sermons Read: Exodus 20:13Matthew 5:21-26 “Clearly Jesus is passionate about relationships between people. Clearly relationships are a priority for God. The Sixth Commandment speaks directly about murder, but it addresses us long before it comes to murder. The Six Commandment is about living at peace with all men. What Paul wrote in Romans 12:8 summarizes what Jesus is teaching in these verses, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”” — Rev. Jerry Hamstra Download ManuscriptSermon Series: The Ten Commandments
Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 17, 2019 Sermons Stewardship Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 17, 2019 Sermons Read: Matthew 25:14-30 “The life of stewardship is not a life of asceticism where the focus is mostly on self-denial and sacrifice. But neither is it a life which is all about ourselves and our pleasures without any self-denial and sacrifice. We are saved to love. Love is other-centered. Love involves doing things for other people. Love involves putting others before ourselves. And it involves being engaged in building the body of Christ – supporting the work of the kingdom, contributing to the great commission.” — Rev. Jerry Hamstra Download Manuscript
Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 10, 2019 Sermons The Sixth Commandment (2) Different Kinds of Killing Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 10, 2019 Sermons Read: Exodus 20:13Numbers 35:9-34 “The Bible is the story of how God is overcoming death. The great plan of salvation that the Bible describes is about God’s victory over death. That victory was not painless for God. It required him to absorb the penalty for sin himself in Jesus Christ. While it is not true to say that God died when Jesus died, the close relationship between Jesus’ divine and human natures means that there is a sense in which death came close to the very heart of God when Jesus died.” — Rev. Jerry Hamstra Download ManuscriptSermon Series: The Ten Commandments
Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 10, 2019 Sermons Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs (5) The Meaning of Life Rev. Jerry Hamstra February 10, 2019 Sermons Read: Genesis 1:26-31Revelation 21:1-42 Corinthians 5:6-10 “These are just a few aspects of the biblical teaching about the meaning of life. It begins with being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. Apart from salvation, we only live for ourselves rather than living for God and the Bible teaches that that is the way of death. But it also teaches that those who believe in Jesus and follow him find their purpose in pleasing God and enjoying fellowship with him. And it insists that living this way is the most satisfying and joyful and fulfilling way to live. And it insists that living to please God has an eternal significance. It matters now, but it will also matter forever.” — Rev. Jerry Hamstra Download ManuscriptSermon Series: Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs