Canadian Presbyterian Missions is a committee of the Canadian Presbytery of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. It was formed by the Canadian Presbytery in 2016 and is charged with the implementation and coordination of mission projects and the care of any missionaries that serve under its structure.
The Pilgrim’s Way of Life
Read: Psalm 5
Have a Purpose Firm
Read: Daniel 1
The Seventh Commandment (5) Homosexuality
“As the LORD, the God of Israel lives.”
The Message of Elijah
Elijah brought the word of the Lord during a time in history that is like ours in many ways. The society into which he spoke was a godless and idol-worshiping society that was heading for God’s judgment. But as long as God is calling people to repentance there is hope. This series will consider the message that Elijah brought in the light of its fulfillment in Jesus Christ.