Reviewing the Basics (10) Why is the Church so Important?
“If one member suffers, all suffer together.”
Read: 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
“The Bible has lots of commands and exhortations to believers. Obedience is automatic in the sense that it always follows from true faith. It is it not automatic in the sense that it just happens without any effort on our part.
And so it is here, when it comes to this principle of the whole body suffering when one part suffers. In one sense it is automatic because that is what it means to be a body. And yet we are also exhorted to weep with those who weep.”
Aspects of the Church (3) God and His Church
Aspects of the Church (1) Loving and Serving the Church
Spiritual Gifts
Read: Romans 12:1-8
Text: verse 6a