Read: Colossians 2:1-11
Text: verses 8-10
Sermon Series: The Letter to the Colossians
Read: Colossians 2:1-11
Text: verses 8-10
Sermon Series: The Letter to the Colossians
“The greatest oppression that human beings experience is the oppression of their own sin and the tyranny of the devil. Jesus came to set us free from that and as Jesus himself said in John 8:36. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.””
Sermon Series: Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs
“ If you do not start your thinking with the God of the Bible, it is impossible to give a reasonable account of the world and the big questions of life. You don’t start with reason and reason your way to God. You start with God and show that any reasoning about ultimate things that does not start with God is actually irrational. ”
Sermon Series: Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs
Read: Mark 13:1-23