The Fifth Commandment (3) Authority in Marriage
“In connection with male headship in marriage, it is important to underscore the emphasis in the opening chapters of the Bible on the basic equality of man and woman. Both are equally made in the image of God. We also see that when Adam receives his wife from the Lord, he is so thrilled that he sings a love-song. It is the first love song in the history of the world and so it does not sound very romantic to 21st century ears, but it is poetry and so we can legitimately consider it a love-song when Adam said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.” (Genesis 2:23). Adam is the head, but he also treasures his wife and cherishes her. And that love is the necessary context in which leadership is to function.”
Sermon Series: The Ten Commandments
Parenting for the Fulfillment of God’s Promise
Read: Genesis 18:1-20
“The world says that to find freedom you must define yourself and follow your heart and fulfill your desires. God says that that is the way of death. Instead he calls you to the way of life which involves submitting to the calling that he has placed upon you. The way of life is the way of conforming your will to the will of God for you and one part of that is that you enthusiastically submit to the nurture of your parents. Strange as that may sound in the light of the spirit of our age, submission is the way of true freedom and the way of life and the way of blessing and the way of being part of the work of God which is moving toward the ultimate of blessing in the new creation.”
Aspects of the Church (14) The Role of Women
Read: 1 Timothy 2
Jesus and His Family
Read: Mark 3:20-21; 31-35