Read: Job 1; James 1:1-4
What God Didn’t and Did Do
Read: Romans 8:31-39
A Grace and a Habit
Read: Acts 26:1-23
Celebration and Theology (go together)
Read: Romans 5
“Now given the fact that Christ gave his life for us while we were his enemies, we can be all the more confident that he will save us in the end now that we have been reconciled to God. Given the fact that Christ gave his life for us while we were fighting against him, we can be sure that we will be saved by his life. It is wonderfully true that Christ’s life saves us as well as his death. But the point the Paul is emphasizing at this point is since Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for us while we were his enemies, we can be absolutely sure that we will be saved in the future.”
Transforming Grace
Read: Genesis 28:10-22
Truths of the Reformation (4) By Grace Alone
Read: Ephesians 2:1-10
“On the one hand we confess that salvation is by
grace alone. It must be by grace alone because before we are saved, we
are dead in sin and trespasses. When God saves someone, he brings a
spiritual dead person to spiritual life. We are completely passive at that
point. And yet in our experience we are active. We become aware of
our need of the forgiveness and renewal and what Jesus has earned for
us. We hear the gospel and we respond to it in faith and repentance.”
The Grace of God
Read: Exodus 34:1-9
Tough Love for Joseph’s Brothers
Read: Genesis 42
Jesus Mocked and Crucified
Read: Mark 15:16-32
Peter’s Denial of Jesus
Read: Mark 14:66-72