The Meaning of the Fourth Commandment (2) Work, Rest and God
“God did not rest because he was tired. He rested because “not working” is also worthwhile and valuable. He not only stopped working, he declared the state of not-working on the seventh day to be holy. We might say that he set the seventh day apart for himself. He set the example of taking pleasure in what he had created. He paused to enjoy “not working” and taking pleasure in his own glory as that was reflected in the creation. And, no doubt, part of his pleasure on that first seventh day was receiving the worship of the people whom he had created to serve and worship him.”
Sermon Series: The Ten Commandments
The Problem of Oppression
“Jesus is God’s answer to the dilemma posed by the author of Ecclesiastes as he agonizes over the horror of oppression in the world. God sent Jesus to proclaim liberty to the captives and to set at liberty those who are oppressed. But Jesus went about fulfilling that mission in a very unexpected way. He did it by entering into suffering himself. He did it by being on the receiving end of oppression himself.”
The Ten Commandments (1) Introduction
Read: Exodus 20:1-21
“You see the Ten Commandments define the life of salvation. Salvation in the Bible is salvation from slavery, to obedience to God’s law. The contrast is the slavery in Egypt. God saved his people so that they might live the life that the Ten Commandments describes and requires. They were given by God to his people out of his love. They were given by God to his people because of his desire to bless them. They were given by God to his people because they are the way of life.”
Sermon Series: The Ten Commandments
Comfort for the New Year (1)
“There is something very precious about belonging to Jesus Christ and belonging to God the Father. When we belong to God, we matter to God. Jesus bought us with a price. God the Father chose us to be his treasured possession. He has adopted us into his own family. We are important to God. We are significant to God. We are loved by God. Because we belong to him in these different ways we know that we have value in his sight. And this is something that matters a great deal.”
The Book of the Covenant (2) Treating Slaves Fairly
Read: Exodus 21:1-11