How Much Should We Give?
“So, if we take everything together, we find that 10 percent is a number to give us an idea of what is appropriate and how well off we are financially will influence whether we give more than that or less than that. But the pressure that comes to us from the Bible is towards stretching ourselves and making sacrifices. Certain people are held out before us as examples to inspire us. And if we consider our giving in the light of the general teaching of the Bible on the Christian life, this is an area where we should consider as an area for growth just as we must always be striving to grow in living not for ourselves but for Christ.”
Read: Matthew 25:14-30
“The life of stewardship is not a life of asceticism where the focus is mostly on self-denial and sacrifice. But neither is it a life which is all about ourselves and our pleasures without any self-denial and sacrifice. We are saved to love. Love is other-centered. Love involves doing things for other people. Love involves putting others before ourselves. And it involves being engaged in building the body of Christ – supporting the work of the kingdom, contributing to the great commission.”
Jesus Anointed for Burial
Read: Mark 14:1-9
Book of the Covenant (8) 6 Characteristics of God’s People
Read: Exodus 23:10-19