Read: Matthew 25:14-30
“The life of stewardship is not a life of asceticism where the focus is mostly on self-denial and sacrifice. But neither is it a life which is all about ourselves and our pleasures without any self-denial and sacrifice. We are saved to love. Love is other-centered. Love involves doing things for other people. Love involves putting others before ourselves. And it involves being engaged in building the body of Christ – supporting the work of the kingdom, contributing to the great commission.”
Enjoying Life!
Read: Ecclesiastes 5:18-20
“So, the enjoyment of life that Ecclesiastes is speaking about in these verses is the enjoyment of life with its pleasures as a gift of God. It is the gift of God part that makes the difference between an empty life and a life of profound enjoyment. Then the foundation of the enjoyment is the generosity of God. The enjoyment is in the goodness of God as well as the pleasure in the gift. And because of that there is a contentment with one’s lot. One’s lot in life is a gift of God who distributes his gifts in love and wisdom.”
Sermon Series: Ecclesiastes
Jesus Anointed for Burial
Read: Mark 14:1-9
Aspects of the Church (10) Worship
Read: Hebrews 12:18-29
The Greatness, Holiness and Mercy of God
Read: Isaiah 6
Text: Verses 1-6
The Book of the Covenant (1) Introduction
Read: Exodus 20:22-26