The Glory of God Reflected in the Holy City Jerusalem
The Shepherd Leads his Sheep
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image….” (5) Punishment and Steadfast Love
“This highlights our responsibilities as parents. Because our influence on our children is so great, we carry a huge measure of responsibility not only for our children, but also for our grandchildren and great grandchildren. That is a sobering thing to consider. How we train our children has implications not only for them, but for the generations that follow them! God punishes ungodly children because of their own ungodliness, but the fact that they are ungodly is to a great extent the result of the sins of their fathers.”
Sermon Series: The Ten Commandments
Westminster Confession of Faith 33: The Last Judgement
Read: Acts 17:16-31
WCF 32: The Last Judgement
Aspects of the Church (10) Worship
Read: Hebrews 12:18-29
The Greatness, Holiness and Mercy of God
Read: Isaiah 6
Text: Verses 1-6
Seeing God
Read: Exodus 24:1-11
Text: Verses 9-11