Saints in Heaven Judging and Reigning with Christ
Jesus: The Bread of Life
Elijah Taken to Heaven
Reviewing the Basics (8) How Does Salvation Change Us?
Jesus’ Victory Over Death
Read: 2 Timothy 1:1-14
Text: Verse 10b
“The hope of eternal life is not the natural desire that most people have to escape death. It is not more of the same of this life. It is to enter into the fullness of life which is the enjoyment of worshipping and serving God. What that means is that if there is not something of that now already, we are not partakers of the eternal life that that we celebrate when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the defeat of death that he accomplished.”
The Eternity of God
The Significance of the Resurrection
Read: John 20
Hope and the Resurrection
Read: 1 Peter 1
Text: verses 3-5