“Do this in remembrance of me.”
Truths of the Reformation (11) The Sacraments
“Jesus says that we are to do this in remembrance of him. We remember so that we do not forget. But remembering in the Bible is much more profound than that. By remembering we are actually taking part in the giving and receiving of the gospel. The past becomes a reality in the present. Jesus himself is with us offering himself and we are with him in receiving him by faith. It is symbolism, but it is pointing to something that is very real and very present.”
Remembering Christ’s Sacrifice
Read: Mark 14:12-26
Betrayal and Lord’s Supper
Read: Mark 14:10-25
Westminster Confession of Faith 29: The Lord’s Supper
Read: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
WCF 28: The Lord's Supper
Westminster Confession of Faith 27: The Sacraments
Read: Luke 22:14-23
Matthew 28:16-20
WCF 27: The Sacraments
It is Finished
Read: John 19:17-30
Text: Verses 28-30
“Until He Comes”
There is a forward looking aspect to the Lord’s Supper. It is an anticipation of the return of Christ and of the messianic banquet at the end of time. As we partake we look forward to its fulfillment in the consummated kingdom of God.
Read Luke 22:14-23
The fellowship that believers have with one another is rooted in their common participation in Jesus Christ. This idea is reflected in the Lord’s Supper. One of the many facets of the meaning of the Lord’s Supper is that it is a celebration of the unity of believers by virtue of their common relationship to Jesus Christ.