Persecution and the New heaven and New Earth
Sermon Series: The Book of Revelation
Resisting the Beast
A Mighty Angel, a Little Scroll, and a Prophet
Blessings in the Presence of Enemies
Tribulation and the Exalted Jesus
Elijah Taken to Heaven
Persecution and Elijah’s Fear
Read: 1 Kings 19:1-3
“By nature we are all like Jezebel in our willful blindness to the reality and relevance of God. If we now believe in God and trust in Jesus for salvation, it is only because this miracle of grace as taken place in our lives. God has “shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” This is what Jesus came to do. One of the things that Jesus came to do according to Isaiah 42:7 is give sight to the blind.”
Sermon Series: The Message of Elijah
Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs (2) The Conforming Power of Society and the Biblical Answer
“We live in a secular world that teaches that all that matters is our lives in the here and now. The Bible teaches us that the most important thing for human beings is how they relate to the God of the Bible. And what we will see the more that we study the Bible and ourselves and the world around us is that the world of which we are a part reflects perfectly the word of its Creator.”
Sermon Series: Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs
Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs (1) Destroying Arguments Raised Against the Knowledge of God
“One of the secular beliefs that we will have to address is the belief that the secular world-view is based on reason alone while the biblical world-view is based on a faith that is not reasonable. Part of demolishing arguments raised against God is to show that no-one believes what they believe on the basis of reason alone. There are many factors that go into why we believe what we believe and one of the factors that is very powerful is the company that we keep, the society in which we live and the desire to be accepted and admired by people that we admire.”
Sermon Series: Biblical Responses to Secular Beliefs